Monthly Archives for October 2016

Placing link for editing on Business Data List Web Part

I was implementing the Business Data List Web Part on an External Content Type and realized I didn’t have any custom actions. The only way to create a custom action is to create it in Central Admin. My workaround for this is to add a link to a list form in an external list on […]

SharePoint 2013 ClientPeoplePicker test script

I am working in an environment where I am not able to deploy SharePoint-hosted add-ins. I wanted to test the ClientPeoplePicker in my environment with a simple Content Editor Web Part to get the user email. I tweaked the script at the following Microsoft article by setting the schema setting AllowMultipleValues to accept one selected […]

REST call to get user email

To use the following function to retrieve the user email from the SharePoint User Profile service, you would need to pass in the account name of the user. GetUserEmail = (function () {     "use strict";     var _webUrl = "";     var load = function (selectedValue) {         $.ajax({             cache: false,            url: _webUrl + "/_api/SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager/GetPropertiesFor(accountName=@v)?@v='" + encodeURIComponent(selectedValue) […]